Which means I will be here until at least next October.
Labels: apartment, blog, moving, new apartment, vlog
EMBED-Geek and Gamer Girls - Director's Cut - Watch more free videos
thought you guys might like it. Team Unicorn!
Labels: california gurls, gamer, gamer girl, geek, geek girl, girl, katy perry, music video
Labels: doctor who, shirt, teefury
Labels: blog, camera, flip ultrahd, moving, new apartment, star trek, the final frontier, the undiscovered country, vlog
Labels: alan tudyk, aol, apartment, exhausted, firefly, instant messenger, job, work
While I have been posting my videos here on Mary Lou Who, I have also been posting them on my youtube channel, MaryLouWhoBlog. At first, the idea was simply to have a place to host my videos. Since then, however, I have met a lot of really cool people on youtube. I have recently started working on a couple of projects with them. They are called collaborative channels, or channels on which more than one person posts. I post videos once a week on each one. I encourage you to check them out - the people I'm working with are really cool!
Around The World Vlogs Here, I post videos every Saturday pertaining to fandom and various subjects, entitled "Solidarity Saturday"
Five Days of Awesome Here, I post videos every Wednesday pertaining to that week's topic.
Labels: blog, dominic keating, flip ultrahd, lunchbox, posters, salt and pepper shakers, star trek, vlog
I look like Scully today in my trench coat and badge. X-Files FTW!
Labels: awesome, doctor who, tardis
Labels: doctor who, donna noble, parents, rose tyler, wine
I never really liked Thanksgiving food...weird I know!
Happy Thanksgiving! :)
Labels: bbc america, parents, star trek, star trek: tng, thanksgiving
Labels: backstreet boys, doctor who, doctor who day, new job, quitting a job, this is us
Labels: doctor who, doctor who day, job seeking, overnight, star trek, work, working
The camera cut off a few of my words...I'm sorry!
Yes, I have a second job! Go me. :)
Labels: doctor who, doctor who day, job seeking, nanowrimo, star trek, thursday, whedonites united
So...I'm thinking of participating in National Novel Writing Month.
I know it's already the first of November. I still have 45 minutes!!! :P
Are any of you participating? I have no idea what I'll write about, but I think it will be fun!
In school we would do some stream of consciousness stuff and writing exercises, and I always really enjoyed that. So I may do things of that nature, though they're not technically a novel. If nothing else I'll get faster at typing! Not that I need it with my 80 wpm...
(A misspent childhood on AOL Instant Messenger.)
I finally got a job you guys!!
Some of our adventures and a couple costume pictures!
Labels: convention, cosplay, costume, doctor who, firefly, mal reynolds, tardis
Labels: convention, cosplay, costume, firefly, serenity
No, I did not create the design. I wish I had. I got it from PinkRaygun.com which has TONS of nerdy pumpkin patterns! I've actually been thinking about having a carving party, so let me know if you would be interested in that. Melissa and I had a great time reliving our childhood with a grown-up twist!
Labels: carving, convention, firefly, first place, mal reynolds, pumpkin
We're finally here!! The completed dress and Melissa's too.
Labels: convention, cosplay, costume, costuming, dalek, doctor who, tardis
Labels: blog, carbondale, convention. torchwood, costume, costuming, doctor who, firefly, malcolm reynolds, tardis, vlog
The dress is complete! Finally! I have added the "Police Public Call Box" sign and hemmed the bottom of the dress. And it looks fab, if I do say so myself!
Labels: convention, costume, costuming, doctor who, tardis
I have added the pockets and the "Free for use of the Public" sign!
Labels: convention, costume, costuming, doctor who, tardis
I have added the windows! They are a little crooked and not quite how I wanted them to look, but satisfactory I think!
Labels: convention, costume, costuming, doctor who, tardis
Labels: convention, costume, costuming, doctor who, tardis
It took me three hours to put on a sleeve. This is not a quick enough pace! Worried.
Labels: convention, costume, costuming, doctor who, tardis
Currently visiting my college friend and sorority sister, Krystal, in Carbondale IL.
Also, a short convention update!
Labels: blog, carbondale, convention, costume, costuming, harry potter, krystal, loot, the wizarding world of harry potter, vlog
I shall try to keep you appraised of my progress as I complete it!
Labels: convention, costume, costuming, doctor who, tardis
Hey all! Here's a bit of an update on my costume and some of the geeky stuff I've been up to recently.
Labels: autograph, brent spiner, data, doctor who, fandom, star trek, star trek: tng, torchwood
If you've never seen the show, check out this brief video with a bit of info about it. I thought of doing my own, but as Charlie has already done it for me and said basically everything I was going to, why bother?
Check out charlieissocoollike's youtube channel!
He's the most subscribed user EVER in the UK.
Labels: charlieissocoollike, doctor who
Anna Stevenson: agiles@marykay.com
Hey guys!! I'm sorry i haven't posted in a week and a half! Things have been a bit weird for me...but busy isn't an excuse I can use.
Just an entry about my life right now. It got a little whiny, and I'm sorry about that. I really didn't mean to whine, I was just kind of down at the time. But I'm feeling a bit better now! It all just sort of converged on me during this convo with my mom and I decided to blog about it.
Labels: blog, crying, depressing, job seeking, jobs, life, unemployment, vlog
Blue Box Dress:
Labels: convention, costuming, doctor who, firefly, mal, serenity, tardis, vlog
Labels: captain kirk, star trek, waffles
Welcome everyone! Here's my introductory post for Mary Lou Who!
Hi, all! If you're seeing this page, you're a couple days early. But that's okay! I'll officially start blogging (but mostly vlogging!) in a day or two as soon as blog setup is complete. For now, special thanks to Kirstin Long of Hello Kirsti, without her this blog would probably exist but would definitely be way less cool. So go check her out in the meantime! And don't forget all my sisters who blog at the Alpha Gamma Delta Blog Network!
Thanks for stopping by and don't keep me a secret!