Which means I will be here until at least next October.
Labels: apartment, blog, moving, new apartment, vlog
EMBED-Geek and Gamer Girls - Director's Cut - Watch more free videos
thought you guys might like it. Team Unicorn!
Labels: california gurls, gamer, gamer girl, geek, geek girl, girl, katy perry, music video
Labels: doctor who, shirt, teefury
Labels: blog, camera, flip ultrahd, moving, new apartment, star trek, the final frontier, the undiscovered country, vlog
Labels: alan tudyk, aol, apartment, exhausted, firefly, instant messenger, job, work
While I have been posting my videos here on Mary Lou Who, I have also been posting them on my youtube channel, MaryLouWhoBlog. At first, the idea was simply to have a place to host my videos. Since then, however, I have met a lot of really cool people on youtube. I have recently started working on a couple of projects with them. They are called collaborative channels, or channels on which more than one person posts. I post videos once a week on each one. I encourage you to check them out - the people I'm working with are really cool!
Around The World Vlogs Here, I post videos every Saturday pertaining to fandom and various subjects, entitled "Solidarity Saturday"
Five Days of Awesome Here, I post videos every Wednesday pertaining to that week's topic.
Labels: blog, dominic keating, flip ultrahd, lunchbox, posters, salt and pepper shakers, star trek, vlog
I look like Scully today in my trench coat and badge. X-Files FTW!