Let the Insanity Begin!


Today I am leaving for Dragon*Con. Because Wednesday is the new Thursday, and all the cool kids will be there. Yes, despite the fact that the convention doesn't technically start until Friday. But who cares?! There's so much to see and do before the con even begins! I'm really looking forward to tonight (ZOMG IT'S TONIGHT) and getting to see my con family for the first time in a while! I plan to stay up late, have lots of drinks, and have a grand old time!
Thursday evening I'll be hitting the sack a little earlier, because I will be appearing on TV on Friday morning!! And yes, I'll be in costume to help promote Dragon*Con. I'm really excited and super flattered that they would ask me to represent them, and I'll be on with some other really fantastic cosplayers, so I'm very much looking forward to it! If you're in the Atlanta area, watch 11 Alive WXIA Friday Mornings!!
My schedule gets a little crazier come Friday and Saturday, but rest assured I'll be out costuming in the day and partying at night! I'll be hitting a few panels, too, seeing as I'm attending as a reporter. :) I hope to get some really great stuff. I'm mostly excited about Richard Dean Anderson (McGyver and Jack O'Neill from Stargate SG-1) and Gillian Anderson (Scully from The X-Files)!!
I'll also be on three panels for the Stargate Multiverse Track! I'm pumped to get to be a panelist. Friday at 2:30, I'll be on "Team Dynamics," where we'll talk about the various parts of a Stargate team, Sunday at 1:00, I'll be on "The Doctors of Stargate," a discussion of the doctors and their fates, and on Monday at 11:30, I'll appear on "Sexism in Stargate," which is pretty much what it sounds like. I hope to see you guys there! :D
Sunday evening Earth Station One will be doing a live broadcast of the 6th episode of their Dragon*Khan Report, which I've been helping host. The location is yet to be determined, but that should be a pretty fun couple of hours! If I remember, I'll let you know where we are so you might be able to be on the podcast!
As a media professional, I have a couple of celebrity interviews lined up, but I don't want to give anything away! Surprises are fun, right?

This is the trip I plan for all year long, and it doesn't seem like it's here! I was up til 3am packing and finishing costumes...it should feel like Dragon*Con time. I think I've just been looking forward to it for so long I can't believe it's actually happening! I'll get excited when we pack the car, I think. Anyhow, I hope to see you guys at Dragon*Con!!!!


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